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Shopping For A New A/V?


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
I've got ~75 days left on my Kaspersky sub. Dunno what to do. I have A/V's that are in your face, that's why I gave my Bitdefender Sub to my GF. I used to like Webroot, seems the wheels have some off them. I may renew Kaspersky if I can find a deal, otherwise I may fall back o Windows Defender and see if it doesn't drive me nuts.
So what are the members here using? Don't be shy.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
I've got ~75 days left on my Kaspersky sub. Dunno what to do. I have A/V's that are in your face, that's why I gave my Bitdefender Sub to my GF. I used to like Webroot, seems the wheels have some off them. I may renew Kaspersky if I can find a deal, otherwise I may fall back o Windows Defender and see if it doesn't drive me nuts.
So what are the members here using? Don't be shy.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
Used symantec endpoint protection in alot of machines, works pretty good. Bitdefender may be one option too.
I should add something annoying happens when I initially loaded Kaspersky and I have no reason to think other A/V's may behave the same way. Some time ago I purchased a lifetime subscription to Sticky Password.
Between work and personal accounts I had a pantload of passwords to keep track of. I would rather have a variety of passwords for those sites. So Kaspersky wouldn't even load when I had Sticky loaded. I had to uninstall before loading and then reload Sticky. Kaspersky wanted me to pay to use their own password keeper. Screw that. They are an A/V.
I see that is becoming a practice amoung A/V's lately. Granted I paid very little for Sticky. When I asked Sticky about it they told me "Well you have a lifetime sub, take it up with Kaspersy". I guess that's what I get for paying very little for my Sticky sub.
It kind of bothers me that password keepers are tied to A/V's. That kind of locks you into paying for the A/V, doesn't it. By the way, I have always used a free A/V or paid for it. It seems like Russian roulette using a cracked A/V, it's just common sense to me.
So after some serious homework I have come to this conclusion. Stick with Microsoft A/V and have Super Antispyware. Microsoft A/V needs to have the real-time protection henever you are playing with sketchy stuff, it really sucks up CPU cycles. So that's it for now, this is supposed to be a pretty bulletproof setup. We shall see. The price is right. It's just not worth paying for A/V's in 2024.
Always REMEMBER THIS back when MS came out with Super Antispyware. the same server MS was giving the bug to everyone in fact a bunch of techs attacked the server until they removed the bug that was forcing people to pay them to remove the same bug they were giving everyone.
Always REMEMBER THIS back when MS came out with Super Antispyware. the same server MS was giving the bug to everyone in fact a bunch of techs attacked the server until they removed the bug that was forcing people to pay them to remove the same bug they were giving everyone.
Gotta love Microsoft. I have come to the conclusion that the best deal for me is Windows Security (ugh) and the free version of Super Antispyware. Malwarebytes has become really annoying. I use webmail so that's my first defense and I keep a clean back up of my systems all programs included off-line should they be needed.
Quite honestly, I have had it with Windows Security. It's so damn intrusive, almost impossible to keep it quiet pernanently and who knows what it's sending back to Microsoft which is none of their damn business. I am going to find the least vigilant simple A/V program and rely on my own common sense and run manual tools when required. If there is one compelling reason to dump Windows entirely and move on to an operating system that returns control to the user and stop playing games with my actions and privacy.
A/V Comodo Internet Security Suite.
Malware Bytes for what it misses

Ive been using Comodo IS now since 2004 and watched its development closely. The Company is very proactive and offers assistance immediately it is needed. Norton / Symantec is easy enough to get around by anyone who has half a clue. Secondary issues with Norton is they went money grabber after 2005 with the company rebuild hence the new name Symantec, Peter Norton made his money, Symantec want more money so add things you dont need to the packs and offers. From what I have seen they offer immediate help to companies and little support to public any more with emails taking days to get where they are needed.

Go Comodo
I may give it a try. My big problem with the commercial A/Vs is that they tend to be in your face showing off how good you are supposed to think they are and hence worth the money.
Thats your choice, but I see messages from CIS rarely unless it catches something or blocks a suspect download or exe, but if it ever finds anything it doesnt delete it, it quarantines it informs you of the file and asks you what you want to do with it so unlike the big names it lets you interact with stuff rather than treating you like your Grandmother does wagging a finger etc.
I use Norton in the beginning but I have worked and helped out Comodo by sending them any virus files I have found in secure zips. Game exe's cause main issues but they require three clicks to authorise them then its back to being the attack dog watching everything. Unlike the big names who soon will be telling you, "Oh this isnt covered in the version your paid for, but for $99.99 we can increase your package strength.... etc etc" Comodo do a one unit one price. Best part, free for home users if you are happy with the basic stuff (which Symantec charge for) free version you get CIS firewall, and better stuff than most firms charge the earth for. Also a Secure browser for shopping so your details are safe.
As I said Ive used Comodo in my own company and at my work places since 2010 or earlier. Havent had a virus or script issue since then.